Custom Farming by William Graves
for Madison, Greene, Culpeper, Orange, Rappahanock, Rockingham and Page Counties Virginia

Speak with William Graves to work out best prices.
Call/Text for quotes - 540 717 1610


Custom Farming for landholders and small farm operations that need support
We help our farm clients and ourselves by spreading the costs of machinery ownership.

What farming we can handle for our clients:
Bush hogging
Mowing hay
Raking hay
Tedding hay
Pick-up baling
Mow, bale, and store small square bales
Round baling (dry)
Round baling baleage
Small square bales
Large square bales
Wrapping round bales (plastic included)
Windrowing hay
Corn stalk baling
Silage chopping
Soil Preparation and Development
Fertilizer and Mineral Testing and Application
Cattle care and feeding



William Graves Hay and Fencing

Hay for sale - Graves Farm. Syria VA


Hay mowing custom farming - William GravesBush Hogging Custom Farming in Syria VA