Giving back to Our Communities
Graves Mountain Charitable Fund 501(c)(3) and Graves Mountain Farm and Lodges both give back to our communities for youth development and education.
Here at Graves Mountain Farm & Lodges, we believe in supporting the future of our community - our youth.
We do this with donations, purchases and in-kind support for Youth Education:
- Future Farmers of America - host the VA regional meeting and support youth at County Fair by purchasing youth raised animals
- 4-H
- Youth in Bluegrass music - master classes, workshops
- Local Bands
- Music and Mindfulness - one-week classical music camp for 36 high school skilled artists to get into college with scholarships
- Graves Mountain Community Heritage Music Festival - workshops for all ages
- Culpeper, Albemarle and Madison County Basketball, Wrestling, Football, Volleyball, Baseball, Cheer
- Culpeper Boy Scouts
Bluegrass Community
- Jams - six times a year
- Community Heritage Music Festival - searching out up and coming bands to support. Free workshops.
- Participation in Music and Mindfulness Jams
For more information: