Hiking on Our 1800 Acres of Farm, Forests, Streams, Meadows, & Mountains
Right Next to Shenandoah National Park
29 Plus Miles of Easy to Very Challenging Trails
Leading Directly to 150 More Miles in the Park
Self-guided or with Guide
Self Guided
On and from the Farm, we have options and views from a peaceful river stroll to our sprawling orchard, our many wooded trails, and scrambles to top of Graves Mountain on the "Hell's Trail" to "Devil's Backbone", and our Doubletop Mountain - higher than Old Rag and with 40 Degree ascent and descent. Imagine 40 Degrees.
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Guided Hikes on Farm and in Shenandoah National Park
with Tim Lewis

Tim Lewis Guide and Guide Two - his four legged.
Tim offers guided hikes daily, meeting at our Main Lodge. Hiking can take place anywhere on our 1800-acre grounds and 29+ miles of trails or famous National park trails.
The trails offer a multitude of options and views from a peaceful river stroll to our sprawling orchard, or our many wooded trails. We have access to Doubletop Mountain which is higher in elevation than Old Rag and guarantees a challenge with steep inclines and rocky trails.
All trips can be fully customized to meet your needs and expectations. Our guide, Tim, will confirm details, itinerary, and other questions you may have prior to your trip.
Please note that availability is not guaranteed. Please book in advance if possible.
Email for Details and booking with Guest Care
Hiking in Shenandoah National Park from Graves Mountain Farm & Lodges
Graves Mountain Farm is fully permitted with Shenandoah National Park to conduct hiking, fishing, and horseback riding groups within park boundaries.
Please note that all trips to Shenandoah are subject to availability and weather conditions
Several days notice is requested and availability is not guaranteed
Entrance Fees or Day-Use Tickets are not included
Please note that transportation is not provided to the park. Tim will lead a caravan or meet you at a designated parking area.
Many popular hiking spots are Old Rag, White Oak Canyon, Dark Hollow Falls, or Rose River Falls, etc. though we can guide anywhere in the park!
Please note that guided Old Rag hikes require additional prior notice and are subject to Day-Use-Ticket availability. Weekends and holidays can fill up weeks or months in advance.
Guided Hikes on Farm and Shenandoah National Park
See below and book with Guest Care > info@gravesmountain.com, 540 923 4231